LAB 7 Joining Data with North & South Dakota
The map below is a representation of US counties with study areas of North and South Dakota along with three other states chosen as a shape file process in Esri.
The projection chosen for this map is the NAD 1983 State
Plane for North Dakota because the coordinate system is designed for the
specific region of North Dakota. North and South Dakota are longer in the east
west direction therefore the Lambert Conformal Conic was used.
A .xls file is a file extension for a
spreadsheet file format created by Microsoft for use with Microsoft
Selecting by attribute
is selecting geographic features in GIS, which contains non-spatial information
that is usually stored in a table and linked to the feature by a unique
A field is a
column in a table that stores the values for a single attribute.
A record is a set of
related data fields, often a row in a database, containing all the attribute
values for a single feature.
An attribute is
non-spatial information about a geographic feature in a GIS, usually stored in a
table and linked to the feature by a unique identifier.
A relational Database
is a data structure in which collections of tables are logically associated
with each other by shared fields.
The field calculator allows you to calculate area, length, perimeter, and
other geometric properties on fields
in attribute tables.
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